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41-50 of 199

Resource: Full Report: Nutritional Composition and Labelling Practices of Growing-up Milks (GUMs) Launched in Indonesia between January 2017 and May 2019

This report provides data on the level of declared sugar content and nutritional quality based on the label analysis of growing-up milks (GUMs) launched in Indonesia between January 2017 and May 2019. The executive summary is available here. The technical brief on this research is available here. Access the report in Bahasa Indonesia. Suggested citation:…

Resource: Laporan: Komposisi Kandungan Gizi dan Praktik Pemberian Label pada Susu Pertumbuhan (GUMs) yang Berlaku di Indonesia antara Januari 2017 dan Mei 2019

This report provides data on the level of declared sugar content and nutritional quality based on the label analysis of growing-up milks (GUMs) launched in Indonesia between January 2017 and May 2019. The executive summary (in Bahasa Indonesia) is available here. The technical brief (in Bahasa Indonesia) on this research is available here. Access the…

Post: “Growing-up milk” marketing in Indonesia signals need for strengthened regulations

World Breastfeeding Week 2020 has sparked conversations about the broader environmental and social impacts of infant feeding decisions. In our research, we have observed a trend of increased availability and promotion of breast-milk substitute products for young children. Beyond the carbon footprint generated in the production, packaging and distribution of a broader range of breast-milk…

Post: WHO, UNICEF & Helen Keller Intl release joint statement on enforcement of Sub-Decree 133 in Cambodia

Cambodia has been taking strong steps to monitor and enforce Sub-Decree 133, the national regulation which implements provisions of the International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes. Most recently, The Royal Government of Cambodia and Ministry of Health recently levied fines against four companies who illegally promoted breast-milk substitutes to the public. Helen Keller International…