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Post: ARCH at the 21st International Congress of Nutrition

The ARCH research team is proud to present our recent findings from around the world at this year’s International Congress of Nutrition from Oct 15-20 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This international conference, which takes place every four years, brings top researchers and academics together to share their latest work. This year’s theme reflects our commitment…

Post: New peer-reviewed articles on consumption and promotion of commercial foods

New research published by Helen Keller International’s Assessment and Research on Child Feeding (ARCH) Project in the scientific journal Maternal & Child Nutrition builds on previous findings on promotion and consumption of commercial foods and beverages among infants and young children. These papers illustrate the widespread promotion and high rates of consumption in Nepal, Cambodia,…

Post: “Growing-up milk” marketing in Indonesia signals need for strengthened regulations

World Breastfeeding Week 2020 has sparked conversations about the broader environmental and social impacts of infant feeding decisions. In our research, we have observed a trend of increased availability and promotion of breast-milk substitute products for young children. Beyond the carbon footprint generated in the production, packaging and distribution of a broader range of breast-milk…

Post: Success Stories from Senegal: Nutrition Data in Policy and Practice

A MILESTONE IN THE POLICY-MAKING PROCESS  In 2016, World Health Assembly Resolution 69.9 urged countries to implement the Guidance on Ending the Inappropriate Promotion of Foods for Infants and Young Children in their national legal frameworks. Recently, Senegal made major progress towards this policy change. On September 20-21st, Senegal’s draft decree on the marketing of…

ARCH Cambodia

Post: Strengthening Monitoring and Enforcement of the Code in Cambodia

The Royal Government of Cambodia has had a longstanding commitment to supporting breastfeeding. Its efforts to promote breastfeeding led to a massive increase in breastfeeding rates from 2000-2010, with the exclusive breastfeeding rate rising from 11% in 2000 to 74% in 2010. Since then, however, progress has stalled and bottle feeding and the use of breastmilk substitutes have risen.

Post: ARCH Project marks milestone in Nepal snack foods study

The ARCH project recently marked an important research milestone in Nepal. The project completed data collection for a critical study on young children’s consumption of snack foods (such as biscuits and candy) and sugar-sweetened beverages (like malt/chocolate-based drinks and juice drinks). The study aims to understand the role of unhealthy snacks and sugary drinks in children’s diets, and to assess associations with child growth and micronutrient status in the first two years of life – a time when adequate nutrition is crucial.

Post: ARCH Senegal celebrates World Breastfeeding Week

partnering with the Ministry of Health to host a panel discussion on the importance of breastfeeding. Senegal celebrated its World Breastfeeding Week from December 13- 20th 2018. Child health advocates came together in the nation’s capital with the goal of raising awareness among government authorities, non-governmental organizations and other health partners on the importance of…

Post: Using research for child nutrition advocacy in Dakar, Senegal

Translating research into policies for protecting child health is central to the work ARCH conducts around the world. In Senegal, where malnutrition remains a critical challenge, our research found high consumption of commercially produced snack food products among children 6-23 months of age.  Many of these snack food products are energy-dense, nutrient-poor, and high in…

Post: ARCH Indonesia Team Completes Nutrition Survey in Bandung City

The ARCH Indonesia research team recently reached a data collection milestone: the completion of 595 interviews with mothers of children under three years old in Bandung City, West Java. These interviews were conducted as part of a study designed to assess mothers’ exposure to advertising and other promotional practices for commercial foods for young children,…