Type: Research Articles

High unhealthy food and beverage consumption is associated with poor diet quality among 12–35-month-olds in Guédiawaye Department, Senegal

ARCH assessed unhealthy food and beverage (UFB) consumption patterns and their contribution to total energy intake from non-breastmilk foods/beverages (TEI-NBF), assessed the association between high UFB consumption and dietary/nutrition outcomes, and explored drivers of unhealthy food choice among young children in Guédiawaye Department, Senegal. We conducted a cross-sectional study of a representative sample of 724…

High consumption of unhealthy commercial foods and beverages tracks across the complementary feeding period in rural/peri-urban Cambodia

ARCH assessed and tracked unhealthy commercial food and beverage (UCFB) consumption of children living in rural/peri-urban Cambodia during the complementary feeding period, identified UCFB consumption patterns of these children, and explored the association between UCFB consumption and growth. We found a high frequency of UCFB consumption by children under 2 years of age in rural/peri-urban…

Accuracy of declared nutrient content on labels of commercial complementary food products in Cambodia, Indonesia and Senegal

ARCH evaluated the accuracy of nutrient declarations on labels of 43 commonly available CPCF in three peri-urban/urban locations: Khsach Kandal district, Cambodia (n = 11); Bandung, Indonesia (n = 11) and Guédiawaye and Dakar departments, Senegal (n = 21). Label values (LV) from product nutrient declarations were compared to analytical values (AV) derived from laboratory nutrient analysis for macronutrients (carbohydrate, protein…

Nutrient Profiles of Commercially Produced Complementary Foods Available in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, Nigeria and Senegal

ARCH evaluated the nutritional quality of commercially produced complementary foods (CPCF) available in five West African countries using the WHO Europe nutrient profiling model (NPM) and assessed their suitability for infants and young children (IYC) based on label information. The proportion that would necessitate a “high sugar” warning was also determined, and the micronutrient (iron,…

Prevalence of Front-of-Pack Warning Signs among Commercial Complementary Foods in Seven High and Upper Middle-Income Countries

ARCH evaluated commercially produced complementary foods (CPCF) against national and global front-of-pack nutrition labelling (FOPNL) systems to determine the proportion of products that would warrant warning or traffic light signs for high levels of concerning nutrients.  A cross-sectional assessment was conducted to evaluate the levels of selected nutrients in CPCF available in Australia (n = 266), Brazil…

Nutrient profiles of commercially produced complementary foods available in Cambodia, Indonesia and the Philippines

ARCH conducted a study with Access to Nutrition Initiative (ATNI) to assess the nutritional suitability of commercially produced complementary foods (CPCF) marketed in Cambodia, Indonesia and the Philippines. Most of the analyzed CPCF were not nutritionally suitable to be promoted for older infants and young children based on their nutrient profiles, with many containing high…

Breastfeeding and breastmilk substitute use and feeding motivations among mothers in Bandung City, Indonesia

This article was published in the journal Maternal & Child Nutrition in April 2021. Abstract Suboptimal breastfeeding is common in Indonesia, with only half of infants 0–5 months of age exclusively breastfed and feeding of breastmilk substitutes (BMS) highly prevalent among infants and toddlers. Various factors influence these feeding practices, including social norms, limited health system support…

Sugar content and nutrient content claims of growing‐up milks in Indonesia

This article was published in the journal Maternal & Child Nutrition in April 2021. Abstract ‘Growing‐up milks’ (GUMs)—breast‐milk substitutes targeted for young children (aged 12–36 months)—are commonly consumed in Indonesia. The World Health Assembly has stated that GUMs are not necessary for proper growth and development, and recently, the American Academy of Pediatrics declared that such…