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121-130 of 199

Resource: Poster: Defining Snacks for Young Children in Nepal

This research poster was presented by Alissa Pries at the International Union of Nutrition Scientists 21st International Congress of Nutrition held in Buenos Aires, Argentina from 15-20 October 2017. Click the “View Resource” button below to download.  

Resource: Policy Brief: Review of the Codex Standard for Follow-Up Formula

CODEX ALIMENTARIUS MUST PUT SAVING CHILDREN’S LIVES FIRST Codex Alimentarius is a joint body of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) that develops harmonized international food standards, guidelines and codes of practice to protect the health of consumers and ensure fair practices in food trade. Codex plays a critical role…

Resource: Consumption of commercially produced snack foods and sugar‐sweetened beverages during the complementary feeding period in four African and Asian urban contexts

Consumption of commercially produced snack foods and sugar‐sweetened beverages during the complementary feeding period in four African and Asian urban contexts Abstract: The availability and consumption of commercially produced foods and beverages have increased across low-income and middle-income countries. This cross-sectional survey assessed consumption of commercially produced foods and beverages among children 6–23 months of age,…

Post: ARCH at the 21st International Congress of Nutrition

The ARCH research team is proud to present our recent findings from around the world at this year’s International Congress of Nutrition from Oct 15-20 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This international conference, which takes place every four years, brings top researchers and academics together to share their latest work. This year’s theme reflects our commitment…