
Posters Highlight Hazards of Poor Nutrition

February 17, 2017

On Indonesia’s National Nutrition Day, ARCH team conducted a poster competition for junior and senior high school students to raise awareness of the hazards of poor nutrition, including consuming excess salt and sugar. The three winners took part in a ceremony with the Minister of Health, Mrs. Nila Moeloek.


“Know Your Nutrition Facts” Game Engages Children on Indonesia’s National Nutrition Day 2017

February 16, 2017

As part of Indonesia’s National Nutrition Day 2017, our team in Indonesia organized an interactive quiz for children and their parents named “Know Your Food Nutrition Facts.”


ARCH Indonesia Team Celebrates National Nutrition Day 2017

Indonesia celebrated National Nutrition Day in January and the ARCH team took part in multiple events to raise awareness about nutrition.


New policy brief assists countries in stopping inappropriate promotion of foods for infants and young children

December 12, 2016

How can countries take action to protect healthy feeding and end inappropriate promotion of foods for children under two years of age? A new policy brief helps country governments, non-governmental organizations and private companies implement the World Health Organization Guidance on Ending the Inappropriate Promotion of Foods for Infants and Young Children. Helen Keller International…


Revised standard for follow-up formula should protect optimal infant and young child feeding

December 8, 2016

At a Codex meeting in Hamburg, Germany this week, many countries called for changes to an international standard on follow-up formula, a product marketed for children over six months of age that often displaces breastfeeding. Updating the standard to define follow-up formula as a breastmilk substitute will help protect optimal breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices.…
