Country: Indonesia

“Growing-up milk” marketing in Indonesia signals need for strengthened regulations

World Breastfeeding Week 2020 has sparked conversations about the broader environmental and social impacts of infant feeding decisions. In our research, we have observed a trend of increased availability and promotion of breast-milk substitute products for young children. Beyond the carbon footprint generated in the production, packaging and distribution of a broader range of breast-milk…

Sharing ARCH Results in Bandung City, Indonesia

The ARCH Indonesia team continues to disseminate results of recent research to high-level officials in Bandung City. Bandung City, the capital of West Java Province, was the site of two studies into infant and young child feeding practices and marketing of commercial foods conducted by the ARCH Project from 2017-2018. Findings will be published in…

ARCH Activities During World Breastfeeding Week 2018

Cambodia Hosting an NGO Capacity Building Workshop in Celebration of World Breastfeeding Week 2018 In Cambodia, the National Nutrition Program, Helen Keller International and other Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Alliance members hosted the annual World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) celebration for the 4th year in a row. With current evidence indicating a decline in exclusive…

ARCH Indonesia Team Completes Nutrition Survey in Bandung City

The ARCH Indonesia research team recently reached a data collection milestone: the completion of 595 interviews with mothers of children under three years old in Bandung City, West Java. These interviews were conducted as part of a study designed to assess mothers’ exposure to advertising and other promotional practices for commercial foods for young children,…

Posters Highlight Hazards of Poor Nutrition

On Indonesia’s National Nutrition Day, ARCH team conducted a poster competition for junior and senior high school students to raise awareness of the hazards of poor nutrition, including consuming excess salt and sugar. The three winners took part in a ceremony with the Minister of Health, Mrs. Nila Moeloek.

ARCH Celebrates World Breastfeeding Week

This week, we join countries and communities around the world in celebrating World Breastfeeding Week (August 1-7, 2016). The ARCH team collaborates with partners in empowering women to breastfeed and provide their children with the healthiest start in life—not only with a range of activities this week, but throughout the year. This year’s theme focuses…